Knockout LGBTQ+ Boxing Club
Member Code of Conduct
KNOCKOUT is a friendly boxing club for LGBTQ+ people and friends. We pride ourselves on being very welcoming, inclusive and friendly.
Our Code of Conduct exists to ensure we can create a safe environment for all our members to learn to box, improve their fitness, socialise and be part of our community.
We ask that all members understand and adhere to our Code of Conduct so everyone can enjoy and participate in our club.
All boxers shall make every effort to develop their own sporting abilities relating to skills and technique and the club will strive to accommodate a range of abilities and fitness levels.
All boxers when working in pairs or groups shall train in a way that is inclusive, respectful and technique-focused, supporting the development of each other’s skills.
All boxers will not be allowed to box/train if under the influence of alcohol, drugs or other substances.
All boxers should abide by the spirit of amateur boxing and conduct themselves in a way that doesn’t cause unnecessary harm or stress to other club members.
All boxers should enter the club willing to encourage, support and respect other club members.
All boxers who feel unwell, become injured or have an accident should report this to the Club Coach or member of the Knockout Committee present at training.
Bullying, harassment and intimidation of any kind will not be tolerated in the club under any circumstances.
All boxers will respect requests made by other boxers in relation to sparring and pad work that relate to personal safety and well-being needs.
Whilst representing the Club or taking part in Club-affiliated events, members must not behave in a way that brings the Club into disrepute.
All boxers shall be allowed freely to participate in the democracy and running of the club through the elected committee and at other opportunities. All members are encouraged to take an active role in ensuring Knockout is a community-run club for the LGBTQ+ community.
As an inclusive club for LGBTQ+ and friends, Knockout will not tolerate homophobia, transphobia, racism, sexism, ableism, ageism, religious discrimination, or exclusionary behaviour within the club.
If a member of Knockout doesn’t adhere to the Code of Conduct or behaves in an unsporting way towards one or more members, if appropriate, concerns should be first raised directly with the member(s).
If this is not possible or appropriate, concerns should be raised first with the Welfare officer or Secretary, as soon as possible to determine the required action and offer support. This may lead to formalising a complaint.
Discipline and Appeals
Formal complaints are preferred in writing and sent to the Welfare officer or Secretary, however, if this is not immediately possible or appropriate, the committee member will support the individual to formalise the complaint in writing.
The Welfare officer or Secretary, with the Chair(s) will delegate the complaint to the most appropriate committee member to investigate and action.
The assigned Committee member, Welfare officer, Secretary and Chair(s) will meet to hear complaints within 30 days of a complaint being lodged. The committee has the power to take appropriate disciplinary action which may include:
Informal discussion
Conduct an investigation
Issue a formal warning
Suspend the member from the club for a set period of time
Termination of membership to the club and being asked to leave the club permanently
The outcome of a disciplinary hearing should be notified in writing to the person who lodged the complaint and the member against whom the complaint was made within 14 days of the hearing.
There will be the right of appeal to the committee following disciplinary action being announced. The committee should consider the appeal within 30 days of the Secretary receiving the appeal.
Member Code of Conduct: Appendix 1 - Social Events
KNOCKOUT LGBTQ+ are committed to providing a safe and inclusive environment at all of our events. To support a positive, safe and inclusive experience.
We aim to provide a safe and inclusive space, as such, bullying, discrimination, harassment and intimidation of any kind will not be tolerated under any circumstances. Your help in creating in a welcoming, safe and inclusive space is greatly appreciated.
By attending this event you and any guests you bring agree to adhere to the following principles:
Respect & Inclusivity:
· Treat all attendees and event staff with respect and consideration, regardless of background, race, social class, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, non-binary identity, age, religious beliefs and disability.
· Do not use discriminatory, offensive or derogatory language.
· Be mindful of misgendering:
o Avoid assumptions: Please do not assume a person’s gender; if you are unsure of a person’s gender identity, use gender-neutral language or ‘they / them’ pronouns; and
o In the event of misgendering, please apologise to the person without dwelling on the mistake.
· Homophobia, transphobia, racism, sexism, ableism, ageism, religious discrimination, or any other form of exclusionary behaviour will not be tolerated.
Personal boundaries:
· Respect personal boundaries.
· Do not engage in any unwanted physical or verbal interactions – remember what is regarded as flirtatious to one person could be perceived as intimidating behaviour or harassment by another. If in doubt, obtain consent.
· Refrain from pressuring others to consume alcohol. Respect and support each other’s choices without judgement or coercion.
· Harassment, including but not limited to, verbal, sexual or physical harassment will not be tolerated.
Alcohol consumption:
· Consume alcohol responsibly.
· Abusive or irresponsible behaviour will not be tolerated.
Reporting violations:
· Report to the Welfare office ( or Secretary, as soon as possible to determine the required action and offer support. This may lead to formalising a complaint.
· Formal complaints are preferred in writing and sent to the Welfare officer ( or Secretary, however, if this is not immediately possible or appropriate, the committee member will support the individual to formalise the complaint in writing.
Disciplinary process:
· Violations will follow the Discipline and Appeals procedure highlighted in the Code of Conduct.
· Depending on the nature of the violation and other circumstances, this may result in termination of membership.